Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • The Painted Bride

    The Painted Bride is the latest backlist release under Orion Publishing’s Gateway imprint, available on various ebook platforms here. “Stephen Gallagher’s tense melodrama is spun from the mysterious disappearance of auto dealer Frank Tanner’s wife Carol, the stalled police investigation into Frank’s possible guilt—and the complications ensuing from the obsessive actions of Carol’s burnt-out, former…

  • Chimera ARC Prize Draw

    The random retweet picker has laid its blessing on Kulvinder Gill and Øddli, God of Snacks for the CHIMERA paperback ARCs. They’ll be sent out as soon as the address details are in via Twitter DM.

  • Easter Promotion

    Orion’s takeover of the backlist has diverted me from banging the drum for the historical novels, but now’s my chance to correct that. Here’s an ebook promotion for the coming Easter weekend: On Friday April 19th (Good Friday), for ONE DAY ONLY,  the Melody James novella will be available as a FREE DOWNLOAD. Then on…

  • Talking Point: Chimera

    My pal and sometime collaborator Malcolm Brown was sorting out some old VHS tapes and came across this, an off-air recording of an ITN News studio discussion between Dr Bob Williamson and me. John Suchet was in the chair. The year was 1990 and the occasion was the screening of my ITV miniseries based on…

  • Gollancz Gateway

    I’m happy to announce that the good folk at Orion Publishing have acquired my ebook backlist for their Gateway imprint, with title releases taking place over the next few weeks. It’s a move that will considerably widen availability across platforms beyond Amazon to include Apple, Google Books, and Kobo. You can find all the titles…

  • Casting the Runes: Sci-Fi Bulletin Review

    “The original was chilling enough; what’s done with it here ratchets that up considerably. 10/10″ Click here for the complete review on Sci-FiBulletin.com

  • Casting the Runes

    UPDATE: Released February 7th, 2019 If you’re still waiting for this, so am I; the plan was for a December Audible release but it’s been pushed to early in the New Year. I can’t tell you any more than that, but I can tell you this; I’ve heard the finished show and I’m really happy…

  • THE SPIRIT BOX 2-day promotion, free download

    From midnight to midnight (Pacific Time) over Sunday December 23rd and Monday 24th, you can download The Spirit Box from Amazon at no cost. Zilch. Zero. Update: extended to the end of Christmas Day, December 25th. Click here for your region’s Amazon link or scroll down and click on ‘Buy the ebook’. “The finest British…

  • Seriously, eBay?

    I reckon Putin’s people must have hacked eBay and now they’re trolling me. I searched for a nice old hardback copy of Boris Pasternak’s counter-revolutionary classic Doctor Zhivago, and now when I log in these are my literary ‘recommendations’:   The map puzzle book is the hardest to explain, unless it’s an unsubtle message for…

  • Doctor Who, Season 18 on Blu Ray

    The ‘as-yet unscheduled‘ limited edition Blu Ray release of Doctor Who season 18 is now on the schedule for a February 2019 UK launch.  It includes a feature titled The Writers’ Room, filmed in a secret location (okay, it was a rather fine pub in Stoke Newington) where Chris Bidmead, Andrew Smith, John Flanagan and…