Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • Valley of Lights, Special Edition

    In 2005 Telos Publishing put together a special edition of my novel Valley of Lights for their Telos Classics line. This same edition is now available in ebook form. Like the expanded trade paperback – which is still available to order – the ebook contains the text of the novel along with extra material: An…

  • Danger Man

    It was my first visit to the JBTV offices in Santa Monica. I was meeting with the members of Jerry Bruckheimer’s (surprisingly compact) TV team in the office of Executive Producer Jonathan Littman. Amongst the DVDs on the shelf by his desk, I noticed a boxed set of Danger Man (retitled Secret Agent for US…

  • Showreels

    Directed by Written by

  • The Quatermass Restoration

    I just took delivery of Network’s meticulously restored Blu-Ray of the 1979 Euston Films production known variously as Quatermass, Quatermass IV, or The Quatermass Conclusion. I’m a long-time Kneale and Quatermass fan, and Network’s track record with this kind of material is exemplary. But all the same I’d been dragging my feet until a correspondence…

  • The Atticus Syndrome

    The village of Haworth, Yorkshire home of the Bronte sisters, has pretty much turned itself into a living museum. In fact the parsonage where they grew up is an actual museum, preserved in period, looking across headstones to the church at the top of the town. If you squint and ignore the tourists you can…

  • An Award

    OK, so you can’t read it in the picture, but that’s definitely my name on the shiny plate at the bottom. Just take my word for it, okay? The SOFFIA represents the recognition given by the Society of Fantastic Films to creators and performers with a body of work in the genre. They’ve been presented…

  • Stan Lee’s Lucky Man, Episode 7

    This week’s Radio Times entry for my episode of Stan Lee’s Lucky Man, airing tonight: Nobody would argue this series was out of the top drama drawer, but when it gets a head of steam up it’s got something. For whatever reason, the plot about a London detective (James Nesbitt) and his pursuit of shadowy…

  • Every Day, It’s a-Gettin Closer

    We now have a publication date of September 30th, 2016

  • Ghost Train News

    From Kim Newman: Just a friendly heads-up that, following the sold-out run of The Hallowe’en Sessions in 2012, we’ve put together a new horror anthology play which will run for two weeks in March. We hope you’ll come along and be terrified. The Ghost Train Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore will run at the Tristan Bates…

  • Oktober Unseen

    Back in ’97 I blagged my way into directing an ITV miniseries based on my novel Oktober. I say blagged, because that’s pretty much how it happened; at an opportune point I inserted myself into the process in such a way that everyone assumed everyone else had signed off on it. To quote producer Lynda…