Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • Flowers for Algernon, Japanese Style

    Book cover art by Chris Moore Before Christmas I bought a new Smart TV and only then discovered, as you do, that while the internet sees agreement on almost nothing, it’s united in the opinion that the wifi on Samsung Smart TVs is pants. So I finally got around to creating a wired network using…

  • European TV Drama Lab interview

    Here’s an interview I did in Berlin in 2012. At the time I was about to head over to the US for the pitching season with a pilot based on my novel White Bizango. That script’s currently in turnaround from NBC. Since working on US series I’ve sold half a dozen network pilots, most of…

  • An Award Winning Author Writes:

      To those who scoff at my lack of official recognition, here is my riposte. “The Effect of Alcohol upon The Human Body”. Foreshadowing a lifetime of serious study.

  • Stan Lee’s Lucky Man

    There’s a trailer now: And these mega-sized billboards – I drove into Liverpool over the weekend and counted six of them along the way. New for 2016 from @Sky1, from January 22nd. Created by Stan Lee, developed by Neil Biswas. Episode Seven by me. more here

  • Females in Fiction and The Free Books Weekender

    The backlist has been selling surprisingly well this past year, with no particular effort on my part. You’d think that would be enough of a reason just to let things be. But it’s New Year’s Day and in this idle, slightly worse-for-wear moment I’ve been inspired to risk rocking the boat with a gratuitous ebook…

  • 10 Books about Movies, Part 2

    Here’s the second tranche of favourite movie books from my bookshelf. It was supposed to stop at ten, but… well, what can I tell you? Maths O level grade 4. You may notice that there are no books on screenwriting here. I’ve read a few but the only one I ever recommend is Goldman’s Adventures…

  • 10 Books about Movies, and another 2 (and 2 more)

    Well, it was going to be ten, but it’s so hard to narrow down the choices. Last week I browsed through a similar list online and immediately leaped to order Kirk Douglas’ I Am Spartacus, which had somehow slipped by me before. It’s exactly my kind of thing, a personal memoir mixing craft and business…

  • Coming Attractions

        A note from the Management… Remember those horror portmanteau movies of the past, such as Tales from the Crypt, From Beyond The Grave and Doctor Terror’s House of Horrors? They’re back and now on stage!  Five passengers meet on a train and agree to tell each other monstrous stories of possession, hauntings, devilry…

  • Twinkle, Twinkle, K9 Killer

    Looking through some old stuff I found this short piece that I wrote on request for Starburst magazine in 2005. Even if you read it back then, I’m sure you’ll have forgotten it by now. I know I had… Somewhere in the cuttings files they’ve got me tagged as “the man who killed K9”, and…

  • Stan Lee’s Lucky Man

    They’re doing publicity now – mostly tied to interviews with Stan Lee around the release of his graphic novel-style memoir – so it’s probably OK for me to say that I worked on this. Stan Lee’s Lucky Man will air on Sky in 2016. The series was developed by Neil Biswas from a concept by…