Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • The Killing 2

    No spoilers, but thanks to a friend with connections I’ve been getting a sneak preview of Forbrydelsen II and it (probably wisely) doesn’t attempt to replicate the first season’s slow-burning emotional drive. It’s more of a mystery thriller, revolving around a deeply-buried secret in the recent past of a Danish military unit. Imagine if Michael…

  • Manchester Events

    Got a couple of things going on in Manchester in July, and as the month’s speeding toward us I suppose I’d better a) mention something about them, and b) start getting psyched about what I’m going to do. Both events take place at “Manchester’s perfect pub” the Lass O’Gowrie near Oxford Road, and the first…

  • My Start

    It’s only looking back that I realise how fortuitous my career timing was. With just one spec Saturday Night Theatre script it was like I stepped into radio’s National Theatre. My very first producer (on The Humane Solution) was the legendary John Tydeman, who’d pretty much launched the careers of Joe Orton and Tom Stoppard.…

  • ‘king Crimson

    I’ve been catching up with The Crimson Petal and the White and it’s an encouraging reminder of BBC2’s much better days, though I’m uneasy at the BBC’s current operating assumption that the only acceptable historical drama involves shagging or lesbians. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll happily watch either, but the feeling’s like that of reading…

  • Who Loves Ya

    To quote The Fast Show, this week I has mostly been watching Doctor Who. I hadn’t seen the show in at least a couple of years and, frankly, I took one look at Matt Smith in pre-publicity and thought WTF? He’s twelve! and so wasn’t too encouraged to visit again. The enthusiasm of friends did…

  • Valley of Lights

    It’s going great, but the 99c introductory Kindle price on Valley of Lights ends on April 20th. After that, it’s back to the full price. Valley was my ‘breakthrough book’ and is still available in print, in a Telos Classics edition incorporating notes, an interview, and a bonus story. But you can click here to…

  • The Killing

    The Seattle-set US version of Danish superdrama The Killing begins its run on Sunday. I’m tempted to go overboard and say that the original is one of the best things I’ve seen on TV, ever. But then I’d start to sound like one of those people who go on and on about The Wire. And…

  • Ed Gorman, Dickens, Stale Popcorn, and Frescoes

    I see that Ed Gorman’s short story collection Noir 13 is up for a 2011 Spinetingler Award. With all due respect to the other nominees I hope it picks up a ton of votes and wins. My first encounter with Ed was as the editor of Mystery Scene magazine. Later I had a story picked…

  • All Fools’ Day

    April 1st is the day we all wait patiently while media dullards jest.

  • Daily Cheap Reads

    If you own any kind of an eBook reading device, this is a site that you probably need to know about. Daily Cheap Reads has been running for a while in the US and has now opened a dedicated British outlet. The point here is that there’s nothing bargain-basement about the cheap reads. Bargains yes;…