Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • The Top Suspense Group

    Exciting stuff – I’ve been invited to join the bunch of fellow-writers who have founded the groundbreaking Top Suspense Group. It’s an online resource for readers in the fast-expanding eBook market. To mark my debut with the gang I’m launching the Kindle version of my novel Valley of Lights at the rock-bottom Amazon price of…

  • The Top Suspense Anthology

    I’ve been allocated twenty-five Advance Reading Copies of the Top Suspense anthology to give away, in the e-format of your choice. All you need to do is agree to post a no-spoilers review, positive or negative, on your blog, website, Goodreads page, Facebook page, or the Amazon listing for TOP SUSPENSE in the next 60…

  • The Good Old Stuff

    The header comes from the great John D McDonald’s title for a collection of his pulp writing, energetic, reader-centred fiction of which he was particularly proud, and it seemed like an appropriate way to introduce this guest post from Lee Goldberg. I’ve met Lee in person, so I can testify that there’s only one of…

  • TV, SF

    On her Twitter account, independent script editor and Script Angel blogger Hayley McKenzie wrote, “When I think ‘sci-fi’ I think action-adventure, but the trailers for Outcasts made it look earnest and ponderous.” I hadn’t seen Outcasts or even the trailer at that point, so I couldn’t comment on her impression (here’s Good Dog‘s take on…

  • The Box

    New to the Kindle and priced as low as they’ll let me, an e-book containing two pieces of my short fiction that appear in neither of my collections. The Box is the story of a haunted aircrash simulator and of war heroes in peacetime retraining. Eels is… well, the title alone should give you some…

  • John Barry

    Woke up this morning to the news that musician and film composer John Barry has died at the age of 77; I shouldn’t be taking it personally, but it’s hard not to. He had a rare gift for infusing high drama with a melancholy that made it soar.

  • The Suicide Hour

    The dust is finally settling after internal restructuring at Random House – I expect you can read about that somewhere else – so with thanks to those who’ve gone out of their way to ask, I can tell you that The Suicide Hour is back on track. I received a copy of the edited manuscript…

  • Chiller

    Thanks to friend-of-the-blog Stan for the news that Network DVD will release the complete Chiller anthology series on February 28th. Produced and in part directed by Lawrence Gordon Clark, we kicked off the series with an adaptation of Peter James’ Prophecy and pulled in, as I recall, somewhere in excess of 11 million viewers. A…

  • What he said, yeah

    After a bit of a hiatus Good Dog is blogging at length again, with an entertaining and entirely personal commentary on the movie year that was 2010. I swear to you that I’d already seized upon this sentiment to excerpt before I followed the link at the end of the piece: Everyone probably has some…

  • Adding a Character

    Searching through some old emails I came across this one, written as part of the to-and-fro when I was finally freed up to be able to contribute to the US version of Eleventh Hour. Just as I started pitching the story that was to become the episode titled Subway, CBS came up with the idea…