Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • Truth in Escapism

    Andy Greenwood’s comment on Crusoe and the Doctor, directing us onward to a fan’s mashup of Doctor Who images cut to the music from the Happy Days title sequence, made me think. In today’s Guardian, playwright Mark Ravenhill writes: “in the minds of many programme-makers, there now seems to be a crude binary option: you’re…

  • Mister Home and Handy

    Between revising an outline on Friday and the studio notes call to discuss it on Monday, I found myself with a Saturday on which to catch up with all the stuff I can normally use the writing to get out of. Made it through the day with just three wrong holes drilled and one smashed…

  • Crusoe and The Doctor

    I have no idea what brought this about. But it’s neatly done and kind of beguiling. Play it again. You know you want to.

  • Right There, Right Now

    In her craft blog Write Here, Write Now, Lucy Hay posts on the reluctance of British and American writers to tackle sex scenes in their screenplays. Which reminded me… I once wrote a draft of a script with a sex scene where I constructed it as I would any kind of action – laid out…

  • And While We’re Talking About Sexy Science…

    From today’s Independent: “A respected research institute wanted Chinese classical texts to adorn its journal, something beautiful and elegant, to illustrate a special report on China. Instead, it got a racy flyer extolling the lusty details of stripping housewives in a brothel.” The text in question was used as cover art for the journal of…

  • “Physics is the New Black”

    Recent editions of the Wired blog and The Los Angeles Times carry similar articles about the rising popularity of hard science in TV drama, reflected in the launch of the Science and Entertainment Exchange. The Exchange is “a program of the National Academy of Sciences that provides entertainment industry professionals with access to top scientists…

  • Widget, I’ve got a Widget…

    You may notice that over in the right-hand column there’s an Eleventh Hour widget. Anyone can download it from the CBS site’s Eleventh Hour pages, and it delivers a daily factoid to your website or blog. A couple of days ago I learned from it that every time we sneeze, some of our braincells die.…

  • I’m a Media Whore, Get Me Into There

    I was in London earlier this week, and while walking down Westbourne Grove I was collared by a young woman with a clipboard and a man with a lightweight video camera. They were collecting vox pops in the rain for I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here (a Survivor-style reality show). She wanted to…

  • Separated at Birth?

    I was organising the pictures on my hard drive, and here’s a conjunction of images that got a smile out of me: Clearly there’s some common DNA in all my protagonists. On the left we’ve got Rufus Sewell as Eleventh Hour‘s Jacob Hood, on the right is Stephen Tompkinson as Jim Harper in my Oktober…

  • You Know the Score

    Lee Goldberg‘s comment on The Saint on TV has prompted me to plant another signpost to this underpriced gem, a 3-CD boxed set of Laurie Johnson tracks that includes over 70 minutes of Avengers cues including the full-length “mein liebe rose” track used to torment Mrs Peel in the episode The Joker. Although, I’d guess…