Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • Autograph News

    Issue 25 of Graham Groom’s Autograph News UK is now out, and here’s another snippet from my interview therein: I’ve got one last thing to say about autographs, and it’s a general point. Only ask if it means something. There are people out there who compulsively harvest signatures from people they neither know nor care…

  • Strange Days Indeed

    Well this has been one of the weirdest weeks ever. But I mean that in a good way. If you’ve been following the blog you’ll be aware that I have my name on a couple of shows airing on US network TV right now. I think I may have let it slip out once or…

  • Eleventh Hour USA

    The show debuts tonight on CBS in the slot right after CSI, and I’m holding my breath, crossing my fingers, and wishing ’em luck. I talked about the show concept, and influences, and the whole issue of adapted formats, in an interview with Tom Green for the Writers’ Guild newsletter a few weeks ago. Tom…

  • Wickered

    I came across my old autograph album when I was straightening the study a couple of weeks ago. Back when I was a child I used to study the end credits of my favourite shows and write to the stars at the addresses of the TV studios. It’s not a huge collection. Getting autographs was…

  • I Want it All, and I Want it Now

    In today’s Independent on Sunday Andrew Johnson writes: “The Large Hadron Collider, which took 20 years to build and cost £3.6bn, will not be able to unravel the mysteries of the universe for at least another two months, scientists announced yesterday.” His tongue was in his cheek when he wrote it. I sincerely hope.

  • A Word from the Showrunners

    I hope he’ll forgive me for such a shameless piece of recycling, but I wanted to give more prominence to this addition by Eleventh Hour showrunner Ethan Reiff to the comments section of the previous post. There’s a reference here to an earlier entry titled The Brimstone Boys in which I wrote: The latest coverage…

  • Eleventh Hour USA

    Don Kaplan writes in The New York Post: JUST when TV networks are shopping for new shows at the budget store, CBS has made a $30-million bet on a new series that sounds like “The X-Files” but looks like “CSI.” “Eleventh Hour,” which will debut in October, is being produced by Jerry Bruckheimer – the…

  • The BBC – The New ITV?

    In Broadcast, Katherine Rushton reports: The BBC is to hand network commissioning power to the nations for the first time in what is being hailed as a “radical reshaping” of its structure. Chief operating officer Caroline Thomson is planning to recruit at least five new commissioning executives across BBC Scotland, BBC Wales and BBC Northern…

  • Behind the Scenes

    I was aware that NBC had a crew on the set when we were filming our UK sequences in and around York, and then I heard from Jonathan Lee that they were covering the South Africa shoot as well. Here’s some of what they saw: Jonathan – seen there in the clip – is the…

  • Life in Transit

    Chapter 9 of David Mace’s unfolding online story is now up and available. “So,” said Dr Catenary, “there we are.” There, indeed, they were. He swivelled from whiteboard to class. “Now we get down to the nitty gritty, the nuts and bolts, the perspiration and even a hint of inspiration. Or rather…” His head turned…