‘The Forgotten Network’ is a group of amateur detectives united in their quest to give names to unnamed victims, and to bring their murderers to justice. Led by Alex (Christian Slater), a former detective haunted and driven by the disappearance of his own young daughter, these regular people gather in coffee shops or living rooms to discuss leads and clues and tips, each bringing their own motivations and skills to the table… working against the clock to give each victim a name, and to solve their cases. The Forgotten is produced by Bonanza Productions Inc in association with Jerry Bruckheimer Television and Warner Bros Television.
After Crusoe for NBC and Eleventh Hour for CBS In 2009 I worked on this new ABC show created for Jerry Bruckheimer by Mark Friedman. I served as Co-Executive producer on the Warners lot and contributed scripts for two episodes, Canine John and Patient John.
Stephen Gallagher
‘Patient John’ A John Doe found murdered and stuffed inside a seepage pit takes the team into the world of medical trials. The team learns that the Doe was a recently naturalized citizen who needed to supplement his income by becoming a medical guinea pig in order to bring his family to America. But did one of these trials end up killing the Doe? Who covered it up? And are there any other victims?, on The Forgotten, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12 (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET) on ABC.
ABC Press Release