Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher


Inferno is Ellen Datlow’s first non-theme horror anthology and will be out from Tor in early December. Here’s an early peek and the finalised jacket art. I get a namecheck on the back cover!

Inferno promised twenty original tales of terror, and it wasn’t kidding. Killer stories by Gallagher, Cadigan, Ford and Jeter, make it worth the price alone. But the others are no slouch in the terror department either; they’re jacked up and creeped down,and perfect for late night reading when you want to get your chill on. An excellent anthology.” Joe R Lansdale

“Ellen Datlow is the queen of anthology editors in America. She has great taste, an amazing talent for finding good new writers, and many, many enduring friendships in the community of sf/fantasy/horror writers, which means that she can always call upon the cream of the crop. Inferno isn’t just good, it is astonishingly good, the product of an editor who really knows what she is doing.” Peter Straub

My story is titled Misadventure.


In the first review of the collection at The Green Man Review website, Denise Dutton writes:

“This is a smorgasbord for any horror reader, regardless of where his or her interests may lie; horror, terror or gross out. And a small word of warning, those who are not quite as (used) to graphic violence as I am may find themselves truly grossed out by a few. But mostly, and more importantly, this book serves up excellent, high-quality creep. That’s something anyone can sink their teeth into. Bon appetit!”

And specifically, of Misadventure:

Misadventure by Stephen Gallagher is the kind of story that sneaks up on you. I thought I was reading one type of tale, only to have it shift into another type entirely, and back again. A wonderful story about interactions with the dead and how those interactions can lead to gruesome, if necessary, things.”