Remembrance of Things Pasted
Among the stuff that migrated to my loft after my father died: four scrapbooks of my press cuttings, compiled by my mother in those loose-leaf photo albums, the kind with a sticky page and a transparent overlay. She kept everything. Everything that her thoughtless son remembered to pass along, anyway. This morning I took them…
Apologies, Edgar
I did a meme
Simon Templar and Me
DigitalSpy reports that the unaired 2013 pilot for a modern reboot of The Saint will be available for streaming next month, although the site doesn’t yet specify where. It also attributes Simon West’s directing credit to Ernie Barbarash, for reasons that lie shrouded in mystery. I’ve known about this for a while, and I’ve been…
Richard Dalby, 1949-2017
A supreme scholar, a gentle soul, and a great loss to the field and all who knew him. We met in the ’90s when Richard invited me over to Scarborough to talk about my Stoker-inspired project (then called Victorian Gothic, it would later become The Kingdom of Bones and the first of the Sebastian Becker…
“It’s Erich. Just Erich will be fine.”
Less than a week from now…
Wednesday, 15th March 2017:. NOVOCASTRIA MACABRE presents an evening with Stephen Gallagher in conversation with horror author Stephen Laws. Northern Mining Institute, Neville Hall, Westgate Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 1SE. 7pm, tickets £3 Details and Tickets Here “An evening with Award Winning Screenwriter and Novelist Stephen Gallagher (DOCTOR WHO, CHIMERA, OKTOBER, BUGS, MURDER ROOMS,…
The Future Boys
I’ve been following this series of plays since The Future Boys’ 2012 debut in Dead Static at Camden’s Etcetera Theatre, the classic ‘playspace over a pub’ where new talent and old hands get equal exposure. With Pilgrim Shadow and last year’s King Chaos the company moved to the Tristan Bates Theatre in London’s West End,…
March Event, Newcastle
What a fantastic venue. Immediately following the talk, I’ll be offering to saw the leg off any willing volunteer.
Snakebite Writing
Unused concept rough, New English Library I’ve been catching up on a couple of home-grown TV dramas that have been lurking for far too long on the PVR – no, I won’t name them – and they’ve reminded me of something I once heard David Puttnam say in an interview. He was contrasting British and…
This Time of Year…
Late one December I got a surprise phone call from Brian Clemens. It was a surprise because, although we’d met a number of times over the years and shared consultancy credits on BBC1’s BUGS, long phone chats weren’t something we really did. I wrote about it here. If you know my stuff at all you’ll…