Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • The Paragraph Test

    Last Summer I discovered a bookshop with a healthy haul of ’60s paperbacks, many of them in great condition for their age and fairly priced at three quid a pop. So of course I kept going back. I put my focus on popular fiction writers that are now forgotten, or had passed me by, or…

  • The Imitation of Life

    In some of the awards-season discussions of The Imitation Game I’ve noticed a subtext in which anything other than support for the film is read as an act of disloyalty toward Alan Turing himself. Much as, once upon a time, thinking The Green Berets an awful movie branded you as anti-American, or finding 12 Years…

  • Brian Clemens 1931-2015

    They say you should never meet your heroes. I’m here to tell you that it isn’t necessarily true. I’ve written elsewhere of my personal debt to The Avengers and little imagined, as a kid growing up with 60s TV, that I’d someday get to play in the telefantasy sandpit. (Actually, that’s a lie. I fantasized…

  • You know Christmas is Coming When…

    Hey, I don’t want to brag, but I got my card from the Blairs.

  • No Ann Radcliffe at the BBC

    After Saturday’s mass signing at Forbidden Planet, and catching up with old friends at the enjoyable British Fantasy Society open event afterwards, a less pressured Sunday included a visit to The British Library’s exhibition Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination before the drive home. The exhibition follows a path from Otranto to the present day…

  • I’m Here ’til Tuesday…

      It’s called a Kindle Countdown Deal; the price of an e-book gets slashed to the bone for a couple of days and then rises in increments over a week or so until it’s back to full price again. Grab ’em, do; they’re going for about 99p/99c but the clock is ticking. The Spirit Box…

  • The Accidental Blogger

    I know I haven’t updated the blog for some time, and if you’ve been checking, I’m sorry. It’s partly laziness – so much easier to fire off a quick snarky mindbite on Twitter than to actually organise a thought or two into something worthwhile – and partly personal, but mostly it’s business. The personal –…

  • Grandma, What Big Eyes You Have

    The large-print edition. My favourite KoB cover to date, I think.

  • The Postman Only Rang Once

    And here’s what he brought.

  • Take It From There

    Jimmy Edwards – yes, Jimmy Edwards – sat on a chair in the corner of the room, and we all sat around him like cubs at a campfire waiting to hear a story. I remember him being smaller than I’d expected; small feet, and delicate hands. He was well-groomed and dapper, with the look of…