Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • Remember This?

    Ah, Saturn 3. While I won’t make any claims for its quality, it did play a crucial part in my early career – I novelised it during the ITV strike of 1979, and the experience was key to my going freelance a few months later. Until then I’d fitted my writing in around the day…

  • Coming this summer

    For the first time in Ebook form:

  • Some of my best friends are…

    Dogged by controversy after last year’s all-male shortlist, the organisers of the Arthur C Clarke awards have responded in 2014 by raising the profile of female authors, publishing a separate list of the submissions from women writers. Guardian Books Blog, January 17 When I served on the World Fantasy Awards jury a couple of years…

  • Twisted Histories

    Out now from Snowbooks, this themed anthology of original fiction includes a new story of mine, Blame the French. “A selection of spine-tingling tales from some of today’s finest horror writers.” You can buy it here

  • Social Notworking

    Teenagers are turning their backs on Facebook, apparently, and deserting it in droves. Well, let me tell you young kids, I was way ahead of you. There’s an account out there with my name on it, but it’s one that I very rarely check. You can spot it easily. It’s the one with the profile…

  • In Case You Hadn’t Noticed, It’s Christmas

    If someone gave you an e-reader, I’ve scheduled a free promotion for some of the Amazon backlist titles on Boxing Day. Click on the covers in the sidebar to find out which ones. But not until then, of course. I’m not being cute over it, I really don’t remember which ones I landed on. Oh,…

  • In Gethsemane

    For this weekend, my favourite novella free to the Kindle. Find it here

  • Eleventh Hour Sizzle

    Tidying up my hard drive, I found this. Because the CBS show was already under way when I joined, it was my first sight of what the team were doing.

  • Sandbagging

    I picked up the 3-season DVD boxed set and watched all of The Sandbaggers a while back, to find that it holds up brilliantly. If only all vintage TV could so well match our memories of it… the episodes are mastered from decently preserved tape, not telerecordings, and while the production values are standard for…


    A short story twofer, free to Kindle now and over this weekend. Find it here