Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • Crime Fiction Files: Researching the Detectives

    If you don’t ask, you don’t get. And sometimes, even when you do ask… When I was starting out, planning a novel that would be called Chimera, I approached the Cumbrian Police to ask for some help in researching how they’d respond to a major incident in their area. Their response was polite, brief, and…

  • Writing for the BBC

    According to Twitter there was a big booze-and-canapes soiree for BBC writers last night. I didn’t get an invite. Maybe this is why…

  • Brooligan’s How-To Book of the Day

    Although in all seriousness I can’t recommend it…

  • The Returning Drama Series

    As well as its full-time MA studies the London Film School runs a number of part-time courses for screenwriters and filmmakers. They’re professional training so they’re not cheap, but if you’ve reached a point in your career where you can make use of industry insight then they can be of real value. In November/December there…

  • To Hull and Back

    Hull’s on the shortlist of four for City of Culture, 2017. The bid submission’s going in at the end of this month and when asked if I’d support it with some kind of personal statement, here’s what I wrote: I came to Hull in 1972 to begin what would prove to be the most important…

  • No You Don’t

    Movies about magicians are tricky. OK, now we’ve got that out of the way, let me explain. One of my less satisfying viewing experiences of the summer was a heist movie called Now You See Me, the premise for which involved four illusionists teaming up and combining their skills to pull off a series of…

  • New Stories

    From the editorial desk of Scott Harrison come a couple of projects, both of which include new stories of mine. On sale from August 24th is Thirteen, an audio anthology available for MP3 download with a CD version to follow. Thirteen is… …presented as a portmanteau anthology, with an umbrella story tying all 13 stories…

  • Who’s Who

    So we made it back from London just in time to catch the second half of the BBC’s live announcement of the new Doctor Who casting, settling down before the TV with the Bargain Bucket we’d picked up on the way home. We hadn’t been rushing back, or anything. Twitter was hardly likely to be…

  • Of Shadows and Pilgrims

    A shout-out for this one-hour SF comedy, beginning a 6-night run at the West End’s Tristan Bates Theatre this evening at 7.30. Written and directed by Stephen Jordan and featuring Cliff Chapman and Adam Joselyn, it’s presented by Manmoth Productions as part of the Camden Fringe and is a FringeReview Hot Pick. Why the shout?…

  • The Opinionated Writer, Part Four

    Earlier this year I gave long answers to some very basic questions for a film student’s diploma dissertation. This is the last, and the briefest. Which companies have you worked for? What are they like to work for? Are there differences in styles and techniques? Off the top of my head — the BBC, ITV,…