Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • Coming Events

  • Writing Software

    I was looking for info before buying an upgrade to the latest version of Final Draft (decided against it, no advantages over the version I’ve got) and came across a link to this free writing software recommended by many. Haven’t tested it, so don’t know if it’s as good as they say. One thing for…

  • Chimera for Sale – Sold!

    A note via the website from Stefan – who says he recalls being scared witless by Chimera, as well he might since he was nine years old at the time – sent me to check out this item at movie collectables and memorabilia dealer The Prop Store. Here’s the text, to save you from squinting:…

  • My Lost Worlds

    There’s no cover image yet for The Bedlam Detective, so here’s my first edition of The Lost World instead. If it looks a little shabby that’s because it cost me less than thirty quid, and that from a dealer who specialised in Conan Doyle material and knew its worth. So I knew it wasn’t a…

  • Bitter Crazy Ranting, aka an Interview

    Interviewed by Eleanor Ball for Write Here, Write Now, and you can find it here. “A lead writer is Britain’s gelded version of a showrunner. Both write show-defining scripts, set the series arcs, brief the other writers and take a final pass on the scripts for consistency. But generally speaking, a lead writer has no…

  • Sergeant Cork

    After losing stock and technical assets in the Sony warehouse fire during the Enfield riots, it’s good to see Network DVD up and running again. And also happy to see the release of a second season of the Victorian CID detective drama Sergeant Cork, currently offered as a ‘web exclusive’ title. If you’re interested, don’t…

  • Revisiting Robinson

    In a message via the contact page, Nancy wrote: My family and I have really enjoyed watching the Crusoe series but wish we knew how the story would have ended. Do you have any ideas how you would have reunited Robinson and Susannah? Well I do, and I did, although in series TV drama it’s…

  • A Hero’s Update

    Here‘s a page of reviews for A Hero’s Journey, mine included. Can you type with gritted teeth? The show played to full houses and even made money. My first piece of staged writing, longer ago than I’m willing to admit, was a similar venture that attracted exactly one review. And it was a stinker.

  • A Hero’s Journey

    A lightning strike on Brooligan Village has knocked out phones and broadband for the past ten days, which has put a crimp on my blogging and tweeting while forcing me to get some actual work done. But here’s where I’ll be later this week. I have tickets for A Hero’s Journey, an hour-long comedy playing…

  • Stan Barstow

    I’m sad to hear that novelist Stan Barstow has died at the age of 83. His Guardian obituary is here. I served as Northern Chair of the Writers’ Guild for a couple of years more than a decade ago, and Stan and his parter Diana Griffiths were two of the most reliable regulars at our…