Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • Crusoe in Kent

    I’m grateful to Scott Andrews for the news that the many of the sets, props and weapons created by Production Designer Jonathan Lee for Crusoe have been shipped from South Africa to the UK. The sets have been reconstructed as an adventure play attraction at Groombridge Place near Tunbridge Wells (these images are Jonathan’s concept…

  • Disappointments and Discoveries

    Two things to talk about, here. One, a movie I had some expectations for, the other a novel reminding me that literary fiction need not be the turnoff that so many literary novels have made it into. By which I mean the kind of literary novels you get when bad poets have access to too…

  • Bitch-slapped Bimbos and Silent Engineers (2)

    Monday’s Chimera screening had a satisfying turnout and the evening ran smoothly, with great atmosphere. There was an audience flyer which included the entirety of a long Time Out review from 1991 that I hadn’t seen before (Fliss Coombes and Naomi Phillipson, handling publicity for Zenith and Anglia respectively, had sent me all the cuttings…

  • Bitch-slapped Bimbos and Silent Engineers

    Read on and all will be explained. After a fashion. I promise. But first a reminder that this coming Monday (July 5th, 2010) they’re screening all four episodes of Chimera at the BFI Southbank, formerly the National Film Theatre, followed by a Q&A with director Lawrence Gordon Clark and me. The same day also sees…

  • Happy Birthday, Uncle Ray

    Ray Harryhausen is 90 today. It says so on my Simpsons calendar and my Simpsons calendar don’t lie. There was a suitably ‘star-studded’ tribute at BFI South Bank – formerly the NFT – last week, and there’s a cracking Harryhausen exhibition titled The Fantastical Worlds of Ray Harryhausen at the Academy building on Wilshire Boulevard.…

  • In Shatner’s Footsteps

    I finally made it to the Batcave. My third attempt. The Satnav was still insisting on directing me up closed roads through Griffith Park. This time, I made a hand-drawn map from Google instead. On the Canyon Road approach there was no signage and in the park itself no trail maps or any information at…

  • Please Touch

    So there we were, at the Getty Villa. It’s quite a place. Situated on the Pacific Coast Highway between Santa Monica and Malibu, it’s like the little-brother museum to the spectacular Getty Center. The Getty Center’s further inland, on a hilltop overlooking the Sepulveda Pass, and looking like Tony Stark’s place in the Iron Man…

  • Michael Jackson, One Year On…

    I’m not a fan of the talented-but-damaged song-and-dance performer, but nevertheless… see more Lol Celebs

  • The Forgotten

    ABC have scheduled the two unshown episodes of The Forgotten for back-to-back broadcast on the evening of Saturday, July 3rd. They’re called Designer Jane and Living Doe. I was off the show and in development on another project when the news of cancellation came through, but I saw how the episode order was rejigged so…

  • Brian Clemens, OBE

    Delighted to hear confirmation of the OBE for Brian Clemens in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. I’m no big royalist but these are national honours and, much as I’d like to imagine Her Maj slipping in an Avengers DVD to keep the grandkids entertained, there’s more at work here than just patronage and whim. Although…