Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • L A Song

    I’m trying not to worry, but when the kid came to visit I caught her measuring up my apartment.

  • The End of the Road

    If I see a worse film than 2012 this year it’ll only be because Roland Emmerich rushes out another one… not that it wasn’t well-made on every technical level, but it was of an order of dumb magnificence that pretty much took my breath away. Its narrative intelligence was at the level of a simulator…

  • Charlie Brooker Doesn’t Like Hershey’s

    From his column on the Kraft takeover of Cadbury’s in today’s Guardian: “As you may have noticed, the above suggestions work on the assumption that everything tastes nice when it’s swaddled in Dairy Milk chocolate. Which it does. A bloated, over-ripe corpse dredged from a polluted canal would taste nice if it was ­encased in…

  • Oh, Joy

    Just as I finish catching up on the second season of the French cops’n’justice drama Engrenages (UK title: Spiral, screened on BBC4 with a credit for co-production), I see from the Canal Plus website that a third season has just wrapped filming in Paris. Season Two was drug trafficking; in Season Three it’s a serial…

  • Dracula

    In a post titled What I Learned in 2009 I promised I’d tell of my experience adapting Bram Stoker’s classic novel for BBC Wales. Much as I’d like to say that I had a flood of emails urging me to go ahead, I haven’t. But you’re getting it anyway. (Nope, that’s not it in the…

  • Nuggets

    Early last year I completed a questionnaire circulated by the editors of Vector, the critical journal of the British Science Fiction Association. I was a member of the BSFA for a while, before I found that my changing tastes and inclinations meant that the British Fantasy Society was probably more for me; on moving over,…

  • WTF?

    No, don’t get excited. That isn’t the cover of a genuine Eleventh Hour mass-market edition. It’s the Chinese bootleg – at least, I’m assuming it’s a bootleg, unless fractured English and a Showtime logo on the back of the sleeve are the mark of an official release. A couple of days ago I got an…

  • Patient John

    This kind of explains itself… every couple of weeks the Writers’ Guild e-bulletin compiles a list called What Members Are Getting Up To and every time I get up to something, I forget to tell anyone until it’s too late. The Forgotten Season 1 Episode 11 Patient John – Press Release A MAN’S MONEY-MAKING WAY…

  • Movies of the Year

    It’s awards voting time again and although in previous years I’ve kept a strict silence over my preferences, I’ve noticed that I seem to be the only one doing it. I suppose it’s hubris to imagine that anyone really cares… so in the interests of humility I’ll tell you what I’ve liked this year. I’ve…

  • John Wyndham and Me

    I haven’t seen the new adaptation of The Day of the Triffids yet – the parts are lined up on my hard drive, ready for when I’ve fought my way through all the BAFTA screeners in time for the next round of voting – but this review on the Blowing my Thought Wad blog inspired…