Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • The Saint on TV

    Ian Dickerson has drawn my attention to this DVD, the perfect stocking-filler for the certain-kind-of-TV-geek of which I am one. Available as a web-only exclusive and currently on pre-order offer at £9.99, The Saint Steps in… to Television is an expanded documentary based on the interviews and extras gathered for Network’s boxed-set releases of The…

  • Frequently Answered Questions

    On Getting StartedI was lucky enough to start as a reader when horror was a subtle art, and just as lucky to start my career at the point where it turned into big business. So my early reading was people like HG Wells, Conan Doyle, Joseph Payne Brennan, and all those marvellous Pan Books of…

  • Fnaar, fnaar

    Been fixing some plumbing. Don’t ask.

  • F & SF

    No, I’m not in it this month… haven’t written any short fiction for some time, as it happens, but way back when I started The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction was my break-in point. I can’t tell you how proud I was. F & SF was – is – one of the classic genre…

  • You Know the Face

    Probably as J Jonah Jameson or Juno’s dad, or as Law and Order‘s Dr Emil Skoda, or any one of a zillion other shows or movies… In Gareth Maclean’s TV blog in The Guardian he asked the question “Who are TV’s most underrated actors?” and I immediately thought of J K Simmons. Simmons currently plays…

  • A League of One’s Own

    In a feature-length episode of Rosemary and Thyme titled The Memory of Water, I wrote a scene in which one of the characters – a fully-qualified anaesthetist, and like everyone else in a ‘tec show a potential suspect – explains over coffee in her kitchen a number of suspicious-looking phials that she keeps in her…

  • Michael Crichton

    A year or so after we moved into our current house we had a bookshelf collapse that was a consequence of a) the urge to display far too many cherished hardcovers on a screw-to-the-wall track system, and b) my total inability to put a secure screw into a plaster wall. One of the most cherished,…

  • Robin Romps

    I’m still catching up, or I’d have pulled this post together before now… last Friday saw the broadcast of Andy Rattenbury’s Crusoe episode The Mutineers and this week it’s the show I’ve known all year as ‘hour five’, aka High Water by yer own James Moran. (The ‘hour five’ business, for a show that goes…

  • KoB in the NYT

    The Kingdom of Bones gets the following nod in the New York Times Book Review: Gallagher conjures a perfect demon to symbolise the industrial era of the turn of the 20th Century in England and America in a book that “shows the occult mystery in its best light”, Marilyn Stasio said in the Book Review.…

  • John Brunner

    I met British SF great John Brunner in his later years – liked him, but could understand his reputation for a certain spikiness and hauteur. He’d come up to Preston to address our local SF group and when the pub closed we all went back to Bryan Talbot’s house, where John was staying. I was…