Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

I’m a Media Whore, Get Me Into There

I was in London earlier this week, and while walking down Westbourne Grove I was collared by a young woman with a clipboard and a man with a lightweight video camera.

They were collecting vox pops in the rain for I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here (a Survivor-style reality show).

She wanted to know if I had an opinion on fake boobs, as (worn? Sported? Deployed?) by one of the contestants.

Did I have an opinion to offer? Of course I did.

No idea if they’ll use it… and I can’t say I plan to watch to find out.


Just to add that in the following Saturday’s Guardian, columnist Charlie Brooker wrote of the show and the contestant in question that “Nicola McThing spent hours grumbling on her back in a bikini, which made her fake tits resemble two giant wax testicles resting on her ribcage like immovable paperweights.

So unkind. But so true.
