Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • At Least it’s not the Show’s Fault

    “Idol: The Musical” shuts down after just one performanceThe producer of the Off-Broadway production, which opened on Sunday night, blamed a lack of advance ticket sales, a lack of positive feedback from audience members and critics and a lack of sustainable financial resources. See? It’s never the obvious reason. (Source: TVTattle).

  • Storyboarding

    Detailed storyboarding was already a common practice when Francis Ford Coppola made ONE FROM THE HEART, but he moved it forward with a controversial experiment in which he taped rehearsals and put together a complete video assembly of scenes and angles that he then used as a guide throughout principal photography. As a scene was…

  • T*ts, Bangs, and Tenure

    I’ve a friend who’s a psychology PhD, struggling to establish herself on the academic ladder. She’s been told that in order to keep her job she has to get two papers published in a recognised journal. I’d always thought that publication in learned journals was a way for academics add to their income. Not so,…

  • Patterson’s Elves

    THE TIMES of London ran a piece on the working methods of novelist James Patterson, showing that his high-turnover fiction output is largely a result of his farming out the production work to hired-gun collaborators. Patterson is renowned for his “golden gut”, an instinct for what will and won’t work in a story. When (Maxine)…

  • BLADE RUNNER: the Toddler’s Lunchbox Edition

    A while back I saw an ad from someone offering the old laserdisc release of BLADE RUNNER for sale, calling it BLADE RUNNER: ORIGINAL VERSION, and describing it thus: “This is the original version of BLADE RUNNER before Ridley Scott f’d it up. This one has the voiceover and no cheesy dream sequence. Ltbx and…

  • Spoilers? Really?

    The networks seem pretty sanguine about the online appearance of the two opening episodes of DEXTER’s second season along with the pilots for several as-yet unaired series, leading some people to speculate that they were let out on purpose. Next season, why not go for it for real? Get a sponsor to underwrite the show…

  • First Test Posting

    Always said I’d never start a blog. That if I did I’d risk committing career suicide on a weekly basis. Well, goodbye, cruel world.