At Least it’s not the Show’s Fault
“Idol: The Musical” shuts down after just one performanceThe producer of the Off-Broadway production, which opened on Sunday night, blamed a lack of advance ticket sales, a lack of positive feedback from audience members and critics and a lack of sustainable financial resources. See? It’s never the obvious reason. (Source: TVTattle).
Detailed storyboarding was already a common practice when Francis Ford Coppola made ONE FROM THE HEART, but he moved it forward with a controversial experiment in which he taped rehearsals and put together a complete video assembly of scenes and angles that he then used as a guide throughout principal photography. As a scene was…
T*ts, Bangs, and Tenure
I’ve a friend who’s a psychology PhD, struggling to establish herself on the academic ladder. She’s been told that in order to keep her job she has to get two papers published in a recognised journal. I’d always thought that publication in learned journals was a way for academics add to their income. Not so,…
Patterson’s Elves
THE TIMES of London ran a piece on the working methods of novelist James Patterson, showing that his high-turnover fiction output is largely a result of his farming out the production work to hired-gun collaborators. Patterson is renowned for his “golden gut”, an instinct for what will and won’t work in a story. When (Maxine)…
BLADE RUNNER: the Toddler’s Lunchbox Edition
A while back I saw an ad from someone offering the old laserdisc release of BLADE RUNNER for sale, calling it BLADE RUNNER: ORIGINAL VERSION, and describing it thus: “This is the original version of BLADE RUNNER before Ridley Scott f’d it up. This one has the voiceover and no cheesy dream sequence. Ltbx and…
Spoilers? Really?
The networks seem pretty sanguine about the online appearance of the two opening episodes of DEXTER’s second season along with the pilots for several as-yet unaired series, leading some people to speculate that they were let out on purpose. Next season, why not go for it for real? Get a sponsor to underwrite the show…
First Test Posting
Always said I’d never start a blog. That if I did I’d risk committing career suicide on a weekly basis. Well, goodbye, cruel world.