Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Category: Uncategorized

  • You know Christmas is Coming When…

    Hey, I don’t want to brag, but I got my card from the Blairs.

  • No Ann Radcliffe at the BBC

    After Saturday’s mass signing at Forbidden Planet, and catching up with old friends at the enjoyable British Fantasy Society open event afterwards, a less pressured Sunday included a visit to The British Library’s exhibition Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination before the drive home. The exhibition follows a path from Otranto to the present day…

  • I’m Here ’til Tuesday…

      It’s called a Kindle Countdown Deal; the price of an e-book gets slashed to the bone for a couple of days and then rises in increments over a week or so until it’s back to full price again. Grab ’em, do; they’re going for about 99p/99c but the clock is ticking. The Spirit Box…

  • The Accidental Blogger

    I know I haven’t updated the blog for some time, and if you’ve been checking, I’m sorry. It’s partly laziness – so much easier to fire off a quick snarky mindbite on Twitter than to actually organise a thought or two into something worthwhile – and partly personal, but mostly it’s business. The personal –…

  • Grandma, What Big Eyes You Have

    The large-print edition. My favourite KoB cover to date, I think.

  • The Postman Only Rang Once

    And here’s what he brought.

  • Take It From There

    Jimmy Edwards – yes, Jimmy Edwards – sat on a chair in the corner of the room, and we all sat around him like cubs at a campfire waiting to hear a story. I remember him being smaller than I’d expected; small feet, and delicate hands. He was well-groomed and dapper, with the look of…

  • Guest Post: Adventures at the Intersection

    Author, historian, and adventurer at the intersections, Brandy Schillace spends her time in the mist-shrouded alleyways between literature and medicine. Brandy grew up in an underground house in abandoned coal mining territory near a cemetery. It does things to you (like convince you to get a PhD). It also encourages a particular brand of fictive…

  • The New Editions (4) The Spirit Box

  • The New Editions (3) Red, Red Robin