Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Casting the Runes

Find it here

Following the news of Casting the Runes as a finalist in the Drama category of the New York Radio Awards, I’ve fielded a number of enquiries from people having problems in tracking the audio production down.

At the moment it’s an Audible-only release, not available on CD, and can be found along with three other James adaptations under the umbrella title of The Conception of Terror.

The other stories are Lost Hearts, adapted by A K Benedict, The Treasure of Abbot Thomas, by Jonathan Barnes, and A View from a Hill by Mark Morris.

If you’re one those who’s been struggling to locate the shows, we’re grateful for your persistence and now you can follow the link below to find them all.

The Conception of Terror (Casting the Runes, Lost Hearts, The Treasure of Abbot Thomas, A View from a Hill)