Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Doctor Who, Season 18 on Blu Ray

The ‘as-yet unscheduled‘ limited edition Blu Ray release of Doctor Who season 18 is now on the schedule for a February 2019 UK launch.  It includes a feature titled The Writers’ Room, filmed in a secret location (okay, it was a rather fine pub in Stoke Newington) where Chris Bidmead, Andrew Smith, John Flanagan and I got together for a summer afternoon of chat and Who memories.

Andrew has described the get-together as a highlight of the year, and I entirely concur. If you enjoy watching it half as much as we enjoyed making it… well, then I guess we’ll have had twice as much fun as you.

Other new bonus features include commentary tracks with Tom Baker on The Leisure Hive, and Lalla Ward and Rachel Davies on State of Decay, both moderated by Matthew Sweet, while Warriors Gate gets a surround sound mix masterminded by sonic supremo Mark Ayres. Along with the new material comes the stuff previously compiled for the DVDs.

Oh, and I expect there are some shows on there as well.

And while I’ve got you here, don’t forget this:

Pre-order the Blu Ray Set
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