Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Shipping Now: The Authentic William James

The book’s now shipping and preorders are being filled. They’re preceded by an interview conducted by Gwenda Bond for Subterranean. It’s
on the company’s Facebook page; follow the link to see the whole thing.

Today we’re bringing you a fascinating new interview with Stephen Gallagher about how he created the character of investigator Sebastian Becker. Gallagher is a novelist, screenwriter and director specialising in contemporary suspense. His latest novel about Becker, special investigator to the lord chancellor’s visitor in lunacy, is The Authentic William James. It earned a starred review from Publishers Weekly, and we expect it to start shipping soon. Get your orders in now; you’re in for a treat whether you’re already a fan of the series or this is your entry point.

Gwenda Bond: Where did the idea for this series start?

Stephen Gallagher: I suppose the first seeds were sown when I was around twelve or thirteen and I answered an ad in the back pages of a Sexton Blake paperback…

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