Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • Dead Static

    If you’re in London, from now until Saturday night you can catch the second run of the science fiction comedy Dead Static at the Hen and Chickens theatre in Islington. Tickets are nine quid. I believe there are still comps available for bona fide reviewers (ie, if you can prove you are one, and not…

  • Shedding Light on the Valley

    Writing about Greg Hoblit’s supernatural chase thriller The Fallen for her Cats on Film blog, Anne Billson got in touch to clarify a point. Apparently some of the Amazon reviewers of my 1987 novel Valley of Lights contend that it owes something to Jack Sholder’s movie The Hidden. In Valley of Lights, a Phoenix police…

  • It’s Publication Day

    The British paperback edition of The Kingdom of Bones, the novel that introduces The Bedlam Detective‘s Sebastian Becker, is published today by Ebury Press. Marilyn Stasio in The New York Times wrote: THE KINGDOM OF BONES… shows the occult mystery in its best light. Vividly set in England and America during the booming industrial era…

  • Best of 2012

    Woo-hoo. Kirkus has named The Bedlam Detective as one of the best fiction titles of the year. I believe a small glass of something may be called for. The ‘Read full review‘ link in the image won’t work, but this one will. While waiting for the softcover edition to be published in February, why not…

  • Sherlocks

    Like many people who’d embraced Sherlock I was prepared to dislike CBS’s Elementary just on principle, but I don’t. The Brooligan household watched the pilot and we decided, after some discussion, that it maybe wasn’t for us; based on that first viewing it felt less than fresh, and the mystery element was weak. Subsequent episodes…

  • The Next Big Thing

    Guy Adams, the Torchwood/Sherlock/Hammer novelist and Angry Robot-published author, has tagged me for this. I didn’t even realise I’d annoyed him. It’s called a Blog Hop. Here’s how it works, he said to me. You answer ten questions on the next big thing that you’re working on, then tag five other writers to do the…

  • The Killing 3

    “I like working with the actors and with the producer, it’s normal for me, but outside Danish Broadcasting, maybe it’s old school – the director is king, the writer’s more the guy you get some scripts from and then you see him again at the premiere. If they’re just looking for a writer, then maybe…

  • Nightmares and Angels

    Just after the Berlin wall came down, I threw a bag into the back of the Volvo and drove down to the Hamburg ferry. Not quite as spontaneously as that, of course. I had a plan. I’d lined up meetings with Hamburg’s Sex Crimes division and detectives in the Criminal Investigation department of the Dussseldorf…

  • Creating the Audio Drama

    The first professional work I ever did was in radio drama, and I did quite a lot of it.  Long form stuff, six-part serials and 90-minute plays.  It’s a medium that provides a grounding that’s equally valid for both novel and screenplay writing.  You learn to structure, and to structure over distance.  You learn to…

  • Thy Kingdom’s Coming

    I got a present at Fantasycon last weekend; the Ebury publicity team had brought along an advance copy of the UK paperback of The Kingdom of Bones, and handed it to me at the launch of Random House’s new Del Rey imprint. It is cool. The cover is by Headdesign, who provided art for the…