Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • Twitter

    Brooligan is now on Twitter. You can find me here. I’ll drop in the odd nugget about the new show that I’m developing for Fox, insofar as I can do it without tempting the gods. You know how they love to screw with our plans.

  • Welcome to my World

    From Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood: Lionsgate is adapting Stanley Park, a pilot it produced in the UK for the BBC, for the US market. Giving the keynote speech this afternoon at the Mipcom TV market in Cannes, Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer said that Fox “loved it.” Writer/creator Leo Richardson is now working on the pilot…

  • Curses! Tagged Again

    This time it’s to make an A to Z list of books you’ve read, first one into your mind, no cheating. Here’s where I get to give thanks for XENO by D F Jones (Science Fiction Book Club, 1979) and – after much head-scratching and the iron self-control required not to turn and scan the…

  • My Own First Film…

    …was on Standard 8mm and held together with sticky tape. As a logistical exercise it had a certain magnificence, for which I can take no credit at all. As a piece of filmmaking it’s barely watchable, which is entirely down to me. But as a formative experience… priceless. It was August 1974. Three of us…

  • Origin

    I’ve been waiting for a hook on which to hang a mention of Danny Stack’s slick, thoughtful and entertaining short-film debut, and it now arises in the form of screenings at Jersey’s Branchage Film Festival on September 26th and at London’s Raindance Festival on October 7th. Danny’s Scriptwriting in the UK blog has been a…

  • ‘Cause People Say We Monkee Around

    In the Comments section, Piers Beckley wrote of his old electronic typewriter: “I loved it, because it meant I didn’t have to tippex or retype when I miskeyed… Finally got rid of it a couple of years ago after I realised I hadn’t plugged it in for more than a decade and was never going…

  • The Way the Future Is

    I still like a book. I haven’t been won over to e-reading yet but I’ve no doubt the day will come when I will, just as I retired my typewriter, my super 8 movie camera, and my Olympus stills camera when it became self-evident that I was sticking with them for the wrong reasons. Stay…

  • Jacob Hood – the Firefox Theme

    Whenever my Firefox browser auto-updates, it always kicks off by inviting me to choose a ‘persona’, which is basically a fancy Bergmanesque name for a toolbar graphic. There’s thousands of the buggers, apparently, nearly all user-generated, and usually I skip on by. But someone’s just added a Jacob Hood Firefox Persona. And before you ask……

  • Noir and Back Again

    I just heard that two of my favourite publishers will be combining forces to put out a double volume of early Lawrence Block novels sometime early next year. I suppose that Subterranean Press and Hard Case Crime can both fairly be described as ‘niche’ publishers, but not in any pejorative sense; in an era when…

  • Process and Procedure

    Which ought to be the title of Jane Austen’s unpublished crime novel… It’s the network pitching season in LA, and I just got back after an intense week with results that I should be able to tell you about sometime soon. After nine hours plus of breathing buggy plane air on the way home, I…