Too Much Monkey Business
There’s been a lot of online coverage about the Cadbury’s drumming gorilla ad… viral activity that felt spontaneous and justified at first but which (or maybe it’s just me) is beginning to feel more than a little manipulative now. After some speculation as to whether it was actually Phil Collins in the gorilla costume (duh?)…
Things that Make You Go ‘Whu?’
Made by the Fleischer studios in 1931 and featuring an early appearance by Betty Boop. In this incarnation she has a deep voice and dogs’ ears. The Bum Bandit? If you can get your head around any of this, you’re doing far better than I am.
Publication Day
Well, today’s the day. I know that a few copies have already snuck out there, but as of now The Kingdom of Bones is official goods. I don’t think I’ve ever had a novel that’s attracted as much advance reaction as this one… and let me tell you, that’s never been for want of trying.…
Second Variety (2)
Right now I can’t do much more than pass along what’s appearing in the trades – here’s an extract from the fullest piece I’ve seen so far, in The Hollywood Reporter. There’s also an expanded version of the Variety coverage now online. Reuters, Hollywood News and Movieweb all carry versions of the story, none of…
Second Variety
Well, it’s out now. Here’s the stop-press email from Variety.com: Following a fierce bidding war, CBS has beat out ABC for the rights to a Jerry Bruckheimer-produced adaptation of Brit thriller Eleventh Hour. Eye has committed to at least a pilot, with a hefty seven-figure penalty attached if the Warner Bros/Granada project – which remains…
Frodo and the Camel
So my cousin Josh is working behind the bar of The Elusive Camel, when in walks Frodo. (I have family in Australia, on my dad’s side. To avoid complication we all refer to ourselves as cousins, regardless of generation or degree of actual relationship). Josh was over here for a few years, working and touring…
Well, it works for me
Sometimes it doesn’t take much to brighten my day. For all I know this may be common knowledge. But it was news to me when I heard it and made the connection a couple of weeks ago. Michael G Wilson, stepson of Albert ‘Cubby’ Broccoli and Executive Producer and sometimes co-writer on the Bond movies…
Crude, but Effective
Every little community has its in-jokes, and each community has its bottom-of-the-pecking order geek who catches on late and then fails to realise when everyone else has moved on. In the world of Doctor Who – which has become a big world again, due to the success of the TV series’ revival – the fast-track…
Charlie Brooker’s Screen Burn
I can’t remember when I last walked into a bookshop and paid full price for a book. Well, I can, because it was this afternoon. Before that, I mean. This afternoon I was in London with a train journey ahead of me and nothing to read on it. The Tube strike was in full swing,…