Those whom the gods would destroy, they first persuade to re-release the stuff they wrote when they were twenty-three.
This is about as niche as it gets, aimed at those people who sometimes get in touch to say that they remember listening to the SF serials on Independent Radio that kicked off my career back in the day. You know who you are.
I always reckon we begin by imitating what we love; well, this is where I began. By starting young I did all my learning in public, which is why I tend to sideline these titles as ‘the early stuff’. They offer a vision of the future that’s very much of its time, with the passage of years turning many of its futuristic elements into anachronisms.
But hey. That’s pretty much Steampunk, right?
The material’s being digitised now, and I’ll announce something when I’ve some idea of a date. It’ll be ebook format with the complete trilogy plus the original Last Rose of Summer novelisation as a bonus extra.
Click here if you want to read more about the background to the titles. They’ve been out of print for a looong time.

4 responses to “Retro Corner”
Can I put in a request that a paperback could be available?
Once the text is assembled I’ll be able to see how feasible that is. There’s an upper limit on POD page count and the unit pricing is tied to it, so there’s a question over whether I’ll need to drop the ‘bonus feature’ or maybe split the full text over two volumes.
I second that request for a paperback!
Page count looks to be around the 600 mark, which is hefty but doable. That’s the completed trilogy but without the ‘bonus feature’ of the pre-rewrite Last Rose of Summer text.