Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • Let’s All Recycle

    My first toe-in-the-blogosphere was this guest post for Danny Stack’s Scriptwriting in the UK. Here it is again: I am nothing if not frugal. Danny has kindly invited me to contribute a guest post, but has concluded his invitation with that most generous of terms, “anything on any subject that you care to discuss”. If…

  • Sisyphus Lives

    I just spent an afternoon stripping all the elements of a stereo out of one room in the house, only to replace them with the corresponding parts of a stereo from another room in the house. Why? You might well ask. What I’ve reinstalled is one of those setups with separate components and an incredible…

  • Okay, Venus?

    Can’t resist passing this on from those cunning wallet-draining fiends at Network DVD: To celebrate the definitive release of Gerry Anderson’s Fireball XL5, Network have arranged a special event on Saturday 27 June at the Odeon Covent Garden. To open there will be a 35mm screening of ‘The Day The Earth Froze’, newly struck from…

  • Killer Robots On The Bubble

    Thanks to Piers Beckley for a heads-up to the fact that Josh Friedman, showrunner on The Sarah Connor Chronicles, has returned to blogging with this post on what it was like to be working on the Warners lot and waiting for word on his show’s fate. I watched all the episodes of Sarah Connor. Didn’t…

  • The UK Writer in US TV (2)

    They don’t get rid of me that easily. I’ve now joined ABC’s The Forgotten as co-executive producer, working as part of the team to bring creator Mark Friedman’s vision to the screen in the fall schedule. “The Forgotten Network” is a group of amateur detectives united in their quest to give names to unnamed victims,…

  • The UK Writer in US TV

    I’ve been urged to share my experience of writing for the American TV system as I’ve experienced it these past few months. Here’s how it went: 1. On the back of the Eleventh Hour remake I get an invite to meet the Bruckheimer gang, aka JBTV, to talk about developing something new, and at the…

  • Green Lantern

    YouTube carries more than one fan mashup trailer for a nonexistent live-action Green Lantern film using reprocessed clips from existing blockbusters. This one craftily blends in shots of Nathan Fillion in the Hal Jordan role. Great casting idea. The Fillion Green Lantern is a movie that I’d happily pay money to see. For the moment…

  • Planet Hood

    CBS online have dropped Eleventh Hour from the shows listed on their site and closed the fan forum, but the fanac has relocated to Planet Hood, a dedicated site with a new forum that pretty much picks up where the old threads left off. From the way they’ve laid out the stall, it looks as…

  • Grandville

    Here’s a glimpse of Bryan Talbot’s new project:

  • Eleventh Hour – We’re Cancelled

    Well, I just got the news and the news ain’t good. CBS have made their decision and Eleventh Hour isn’t getting a second season. We had the numbers, we had great fans, we had a cracking set of new stories ready to go, but the show isn’t being picked up. This is a message for…