Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • Young Sherlock

    Happy to see that my old friend Andy Lane is the writer chosen to helm a series of Young Sherlock Holmes adventures approved by the Estate of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. According to the announcement on the United Agents site, “The Colossal Schemes of Baron Maupertuis (is) due to be published in Spring 2010. The…

  • David Stockton

    Congratulations to David Stockton on winning the American Society of Cinematographers Outstanding Achievement Award for his work on the Eleventh Hour pilot. From the ASC’s website: “Cinematographers are people with unique abilities who accomplish extraordinary things under challenging circumstances,” said Christina Hendricks who presented the award to Stockton. The other nominees in the television movie/miniseries/pilot…

  • Micropayment

    The Guardian today quotes Tony Cohen, CEO of Fremantle Media, in a call for a micropayment system to cover the downloading of new and catch-up TV programming. “Cohen, revealing details of Fremantle Media’s submission to the Digital Britain report, said there was a case to look beyond the current charging mechanisms for TV shows on-demand…

  • Hey, Look Who We Got

    Helen Slater has joined the cast of Medea, my Eleventh Hour season closer that broadcasts on April 2nd. Yes, she was Supergirl, but she’s done loads of other stuff too. I was curious to see how our numbers would look after Thursday night, given that we were up against George Clooney’s return to ER. Which…

  • Gallic Noir (2)

    Back in June of last year I blogged about the excellent French cops’n’justice show Engrenages. Slick, stylish, seedy, complex, and wonderful to look at, it had been screened in eight subtitled parts on BBC4 and did much to convince me that in the midst of UKTV’s creative meltdown there’s still one channel where you don’t…

  • Eleventh Hour: Subway

    Here’s an image from the last act of my episode, screened Thursday March 12. That’s Marley Shelton as Rachel Young in the Philadelphia subway system. Here’s Rufus Sewell with episode guest star Mariel Hemingway: And that’s yer basic screaming mob of fleeing citizens in the background.

  • Crusoe on DVD

    Amazon.com have announced that Crusoe: The Complete Series is available for Region 1 pre-order ahead of its release date on May 5th, 2009. I haven’t been involved with the DVD in any way, so I can’t tell you anything about it other than what you’ll find there. I don’t know how accurate some of the…

  • New Stuff

    Well, I’m told that the information’s shown up on Wikipedia, so I suppose I’m safe to blab about it now… the good folks at JBTV were kind enough to invite me to take time off from development work to pitch something for the US version of Eleventh Hour, and my episode Subway will air on…

  • Books Do Furnish a Room…

    …in a way that DVD or video cases don’t. If you’re in in any doubt about it, just look at the backgrounds in at-home TV interviews. I think it’s something tied in with the physical objects themselves, not just with the intellectual life they represent. A shelfload of shabby old middlebrow novels is way more…

  • Dose – y – do

    Last night in the pub, we were discussing double entendres. I’d heard a good one, supposedly a Square Dance call. Unfortunately my telling of it coincided with one of those unexpected room-wide silences when everyone goes quiet and yours is suddenly the only voice to be heard. So to the woman in red at the…