Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • Brian Clemens

    I just heard from BFS Chairman Guy Adams that the great Brian Clemens will be joining Jasper fforde as a Guest of Honour at this year’s British Fantasycon. And if I’m really good I may get to do the interview. How cool is that? From the events page of the BFS Website: We are delighted…

  • Death of the Salesmen

    Will I ever work for ITV again? Today’s bad news about the broadcaster (pick your own story, there’s one every day) makes it seem increasingly unlikely that there’ll be an ITV to work for. It seems unthinkable. Like a High Street with no Woolworths’. Today’s ITV isn’t a ‘dinosaur of the 60s’, as one commentator…

  • Culture Vultures and Slender Pickings

    There are many advantages to living outside London as I do, but there are drawbacks too. If you want all that cosmopolitan stuff, you have to be there in the cosmopolis. Or whatever you call it. Most of the time it’s no big deal. I’ve got green fields, a dog and a big-screen TV, and…

  • You Wouldn’t Think It, But…

  • The Return

    This Saturday, January 31st, 8.00pm on NBC; the second and concluding part of the Crusoe season finale. No, that’s not him on the slab. As far as I know there are no plans for a second season. I understand there’s some debate over whether Crusoe is a cancelled show or a completed miniseries. Miniseries is…

  • Moi, Robot

    Courtesy of Dave Young comes this promotional footage of an awesome wee chap; I’m a sucker for a wind-up tin robot but this, the Nao robot from Aldebaran Robotics, is really something else. While the practical school of thought dictates that the form of a robot should do no more than express its function, there’s…

  • The Traveler

    Well, that’s how those Americans spell it… 8.00pm, Saturday, January 24th on NBC… the first hour of my two-part Crusoe season finale, in which our backstory and main story come together and I can promise you answers to all the questions raised in the Sam Neill/Jeremiah Blackthorn subplot. No, of course you won’t find them…

  • Where’s Skippy?

    Here’s a piece of cultural history if you’re of a certain age… a visit to the standing sets of a 60’s TV show finds them in a state of ghostly preservation with props, sets and decor still intact…

  • Network DVD Sale

    Thanks to Ian Dickerson for the news that Network DVD have cut their stock prices for online sales by 40% until Sunday 25th January. I’m caving in and going for the Department S boxed set now it’s under thirty quid. Though for the moment I’m still working my way through forty-seven hours of Danger Man…

  • Edgar Allan Poe

    Thanks to Stephen Volk for a reminder that tomorrow marks the bicentenary of the birth of Edgar Allan Poe. Doesn’t matter which way you come at it, whether you see him as a giant of American literature or one of the key figures in a beloved genre, Edgar Allan Poe was The Business. As with…