Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Category: interview

  • Fiction Reboot

    A couple of weeks ago I answered a few interview questions from novelist/academic researcher/teacher Brandy Schillace, and the results are now online. I spouted stuff like: “Through my teens I read classic science fiction and ’60s British thriller writers. Then I had the advantage of a very solid three years of education in English Literature…

  • #LitChat

    Tonight (Friday, March 30th) I’m putting on my grownup’s hat to be guest host in a moderated one-hour Twitter conversation about writing in general and The Bedlam Detective in particular. Anyone can join in and I hope you will, or it’ll be a pretty lonely hour for me. You can follow the conversation using the…

  • Savage Season Interview

    From an interview just posted on the Savage Season Books website: “I’ve never consciously scheduled my career to the extent that I could say, Oh, yeah, I put this aside and focused on that. If you do this for a living then you’re relentlessly pushing to do all you can all the time in whatever…

  • Bitter Crazy Ranting, aka an Interview

    Interviewed by Eleanor Ball for Write Here, Write Now, and you can find it here. “A lead writer is Britain’s gelded version of a showrunner. Both write show-defining scripts, set the series arcs, brief the other writers and take a final pass on the scripts for consistency. But generally speaking, a lead writer has no…

  • Saturday Event

    On Saturday I’m giving a talk-with-clips about my TV career at the Lass O’Gowrie on Charles Street in Manchester, and as the day gets closer I’m growing convinced that no one is going to turn up. If you’ve an events diary or similar feature and might be interested in giving it a mention, feel free…

  • Johnny Hollywood, the Commentary

    You may be curious as to why I appear to have a habit of interviewing myself, so the previous post could benefit from some explanation. The first Johnny Hollywood entry came about as a result of a freelance journalist contacting me through my publisher to request an interview for a well-known magazine. I said okay,…

  • Johnny Hollywood Explains it All (2)

    How do you stay motivated to finish a novel? How do you stay focused? I don’t start a novel unless I’ve got a story that gives me a little sense of awe whenever I think about it. Not out of vanity, I mean that sense of having lucked into something classical and timeless like a…

  • Writers Who Direct

    In Conversation: A Writer’s Perspective is a projected series of author interviews edited by James Cooper. Volume One is available now and is a publication of The British Fantasy Society. Contributors include Joe Lansdale, Graham Joyce, Ramsey Campbell, Mark Morris, and Tim Lebbon. My conversation with James was in the form of a series of…

  • Nuggets

    Early last year I completed a questionnaire circulated by the editors of Vector, the critical journal of the British Science Fiction Association. I was a member of the BSFA for a while, before I found that my changing tastes and inclinations meant that the British Fantasy Society was probably more for me; on moving over,…

  • Questions from Planet Hood

    It was quiet on the lot yesterday. Apart from the crews on the stages, most people seemed to have left early to travel for Thanksgiving. I went for a wander and found my way onto the giant set for Miami Trauma, Jeffrey Lieber’s show for Bruckheimer which is now shooting. I don’t think I’m giving…