Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Category: Uncategorized

  • Legacy

    …being the title of my Silent Witness story, the first part of which is showing on BBC1 at 9pm tonight. And no, it’s not about wills or family squabbles. It’s got explosions and stunts and sex, high crimes and buried secrets and decent people co-opted into sinister agendas. (There was a picture here, but with…

  • Coming Soon

    This eBook novella will be a free download, offered to coincide with paperback publication of The Bedlam Detective. Details soon.

  • Here’s an Offer

    Of course I buy books online, everybody does. But I also can’t pass by a bookshop, and with the good ones – those where there’s more to the stock than the Top Ten airport reads and a wall of discounted remainders – it’s almost impossible not to find something. Some book that you didn’t know…

  • Jack Irish

    A couple of interesting TV movies came out of Australia last year, with Guy Pearce playing the title role of Jack Irish in Black Tide and Bad Debts, based on novels by Peter Temple. Not exactly the same tone as Jesse Stone, but for me they seemed to scratch the same itch. They’re making a…

  • Top 10 Crime Shows

    “I’ve never made it all the way through an Inspector Morse. Everyone who loves The Wire is lying. A Touch of Frost is part of a plot to destroy humanity’s will to live. Jonathan Creek went steadily downhill after Caroline Quentin left. The writers on The Mentalist are all fat and ride a golf cart…

  • The Random Page

    When The Kingdom of Bones first came out in hardcover, I was invited to blog about it for The Page 69 Test. This was the result… As a teenager I had a fascination with old-time Penny Dreadfuls and turn-of-the-century thrill fiction. Tom Sayers was a leading character in one of those old story papers, The…

  • Silent Witness Season 16

    I’ll have some more information on upcoming stuff, including UK and US publication dates for The Bedlam Detective paperback editions, in a few days’ time. For now here’s the BBC’s publicity still for Season 16 of Silent Witness, for which I’ve written a two-hour story.  The season begins this Thursday and if the shot puts…

  • Litro

    Just before the holidays I did a Q&A for Litro, the London-based print and online literary magazine. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Why? The ability to delete selected unpleasant memories. Which would be a whole can of worms because we’re the products of all our experiences, good and bad. Lots of…

  • Bedlam Detective UK cover

    It’s been sighted… Available for pre-order here.

  • Is it just me or…

    Is there an FX house that specialises in totally unconvincing CG cityscapes for period movies? Because  they seem to be getting a lot of work this year.