Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Author: Steve

  • On Writing Fiction

    (This is taken from a piece originally written as an introduction to Ed Gorman’s Cage of Night, for PS Publishing) There’s a type of writing which I grew up loving, which made me want to be a writer myself, and which for a while I thought was gone forever. I’m talking about spare, intelligent commercial…

  • The Book Shepherd

    There’s a relatively young website named Shepherd.com that aims to help readers navigate to new discoveries. They invite authors to give capsule reviews of books that have shaped or impressed them, and which in some way mirror their own themes. It’s not so much a platform for self-promotion—you get to mention one title of your…

  • Sideshow Gothic

    Sideshows, circuses, freak shows, end-of-the-pier attractions… there’s something universally fascinating in the tawdry magic of what I think of as Sideshow Gothic. Maybe because, as children, we perceive it all as a little bit dangerous and not entirely wholesome. Like moths to a flame, we’re drawn to flirt with it then and throughout our adult…

  • Retro Corner

    Those whom the gods would destroy, they first persuade to re-release the stuff they wrote when they were twenty-three. This is about as niche as it gets, aimed at those people who sometimes get in touch to say that they remember listening to the SF serials on Independent Radio that kicked off my career back…

  • Comparative Anatomy Publication Date

    …is being pushed a number of weeks due to delivery issues at the printer. I’ll post more when I have detailed information. Subterranean tell me that the same issues are affecting all the titles they have out for printing with the three companies that they use. In the meantime you can stoke your anticipation here.…

  • Website Relaunch: A Promotion

    Unless you’re visiting for the first time, you’ll have noticed that the website’s undergone a serious overhaul. It had been needing it for some time but it was seeing Katherine Lam‘s eerie woodland image that kicked me into gear; it so nailed the emotional nuance I’d sought to put into Nightmare, with Angel that I…

  • Comparative Anatomy: for preorder

    Comparative Anatomy: for preorder

    With an introduction by Stephen Volk “Magic always stops at midnight,” says the doomed narrator in the title story of Stephen Gallagher’s career-spanning collection, Comparative Anatomy, but while that may be true, the reader will find no end to the magic in these thirty astonishing tales by one of Britain’s most distinguished writers. From the inimitable…

  • Well, this looks rather fine

    The Arthur Conan Doyle Society’s award certificate has arrived and is looking rather splendid. With the right frame I reckon I could rent an office and set myself up as a quack doctor.

  • Everything But The Doc

    My spot on the guest list at Gallifrey One came about through my association with Cutaway Comics, a sprung-from-lockdown publishing house featuring creator-owned material in a Doctor Who splinter universe; characters, monsters, villains and others all licensed from their individual rights holders or, in some cases, their estates. I was there with publisher Gareth Kavanagh,…

  • Gallifrey One 2022

    It’s now more than two weeks since my return from the all-vaxxed, all-masked 32nd Gallifrey One, the big annual Doctor Who convention in Los Angeles. They had to skip last year because of Covid and capped this year’s attendance at 2,600 to reduced crowding. After two transatlantic flights and a weekend spent mingling with more…