Hauling Like A Brooligan

Stephen Gallagher

Category: Uncategorized

  • Well, this looks rather fine

    The Arthur Conan Doyle Society’s award certificate has arrived and is looking rather splendid. With the right frame I reckon I could rent an office and set myself up as a quack doctor.

  • Everything But The Doc

    My spot on the guest list at Gallifrey One came about through my association with Cutaway Comics, a sprung-from-lockdown publishing house featuring creator-owned material in a Doctor Who splinter universe; characters, monsters, villains and others all licensed from their individual rights holders or, in some cases, their estates. I was there with publisher Gareth Kavanagh,…

  • Gallifrey One 2022

    It’s now more than two weeks since my return from the all-vaxxed, all-masked 32nd Gallifrey One, the big annual Doctor Who convention in Los Angeles. They had to skip last year because of Covid and capped this year’s attendance at 2,600 to reduced crowding. After two transatlantic flights and a weekend spent mingling with more…

  • Auction for Ukraine: Warriors’ Gate in rare hardcover

    Johnny Mains is running an auction of books, scripts, and other genre-related goodies, many of them donated or signed by the creators, to raise funds for Red Cross humanitarian aid in Ukraine. That’s a screenshot but you can click here for the actual link.  Among the lots on offer is this: One of a short…

  • Stephen Couper and the Old Stuff

    Stephen who, you may ask? Well, there’s a story. This covers shot was posted on social media by novelist, games lead writer and tie-in king Steven Savile. Steve is a friend and, Gawd bless ‘im, also a completist collector of my stuff. These pseudonymous ’80s paperbacks filled a last gap on the shelf, he reckons.…

  • News, Unexpected

     So look what popped up in my Twitter timeline yesterday, and I’m grateful to Charles for passing it on; The Governess, a chapbook put together as a labour-of-love lockdown project, has received this recognition from the Arthur Conan Doyle Society. The announcement came in its inaugural Doylean Honours Awards ceremony, streamed live from Manhattan’s Mysterious…


    New for 2022 from Cutaway Comics  Kickstarter launching soon UPDATE: Kickstarter now live ending Friday, March 11

  • Winter Tales

    Winter Tales

    Look out of the window. It’s lousy out there, right? Stay warm, stay safe, stay dry, and here’s something to take you away. Now online and live: five stories, read by their authors, for those inhospitable winter evenings. Winter Tales: Click Here

  • No Time To Die: My Spoilerific Review

    No Time To Die: My Spoilerific Review

    Me and Bond go way back, back to when I saw Dr No with my Dad in Monton’s Princes Cinema on its first run. Then From Russia, and on. We went to each new movie until I got a girlfriend to go with (something with a generational resonance that passed over my head at the…

  • Kicking Off The Sixties

    Kicking Off The Sixties

      This posting from Network’s Twitter feed didn’t so much trigger a memory as confirm one. Somewhere in the back of my mind lurks the vivid image of a life-sized Supercar, complete with life-sized test pilot Mike Mercury, revealed at the centre of the revolve in the end credits of Sunday Night at the London…